Monday, August 24, 2009


i'm sure some of you are wondering why i'm not the same amy i used to be... going shopping, manicures, phone conversations... well, some of that flew out the window the minute i became a mom (which i'm sure other new moms can sympathize over)... but i'm just not the same. i'm starting to realize this and i don't think there's anything i can do about it...

my baby girl madeline, while getting there, is still very sick... we were told that she will be going to franciscans, a rehab type of hospital for children, and i'm sick over the whole thing. yes, she could come home on a 24 hour ventilator with nursing support, but with molly home and the two of us working full time? i don't think we can tolerate the high risk it would take and i couldn't bear if somting ever happened... case in point...

so here i sit trying to figure out all of this in my brain... the doctor's estimate for her being home? april... yes, like as in 2010. i never ever thought we'd have to endure this much when we started this journey on 1/6/09... and it's certainly not something i wish on my worst enemy, never mind my sweet baby girl.

i've heard good and bad things about franciscans. i'm trying to go in with an open mind and we'll see i guess... here's my punky pie for your enjoyment. isnt she the best? (a close tie with molly be fair and all) :)


FireChild said...

Very cute, love the clover outfit too!

Ripe for Reading said...

She is ADORABLE! xo

Lydia said...

Following along in your blog...big hugs to you!