Wednesday, January 27, 2010

movin on up

come join me here... me likey wordpress

amy lou plus two... wordpress style

what a twit

i've gone to the dark side... yup, i have. i started banging around on twitter, which at first seemed completely pointless. a few clicks later, however, and i'm settled nicely into the mom's network out there... and dammit if i don't find it useful and fun! social media appears to be taking off and i don't want to miss the boat, like i have on so many things lately (what with the whole motherhood thing standing in my way between me and an iphone). but no, i've discovered that the blogger universe is a ridiculously large one. granted, there is a lot of static amongst the good bits of info, but sharing and comparing of all sorts of things i'm finding is saving me time (which i don't have) and money (which... i also don't have). so there, feel free to follow... or not.
on the home front, we couldn't be happier. the girls are continuing to grow and thrive each day, with madeline elizabeth coming oh-so-much closer to getting home and ms. molly louise getting more active by the minute... we're coming pretty darn close to starting the "little farrell two women wrecking crew." stay tuned!

the, "seriously ma?" faces have already begun...

Thursday, January 7, 2010


hey all,

i'm pretty bad at this blog thing... i'm actually in all honesty pretty bad at the whole staying-in-touch thing in general lately... perhaps it's b/c i have twins, one still in the hospital, a full time job, a house to clean... and a marriage... just don't have time for the little things (or anything for that matter) anymore. in a way it stinks b/c i've always thrived on a little bit of independence, but having my girls makes it all worthwhile.

so, the girls turned one yesterday... how surreal is that. it should have been a bright and shiny happy day for me, but i can't help but let some of that guilt and weirdness that came along with their early birth last year. as many times as people tell me, how can i not feel guilty that i couldn't complete the one task i was put forth to do and that's keep the kiddos in my belly for nine months. it just totally and utterly stinks that i will always have that memory, that feeling around the holidays and around their birthday. i will feel that the next time we may be blessed with another kiddo... is it going to happen again? why did it happen? what did i do wrong? the only thing i can think of is that i was baking cookies the day it happened and was lifting cookie sheets out of the oven? that seems pretty trivial... but you better be darn sure that you won't be getting any cookies from me or even hearing the word cookie the next time i'm pregnant.

... and i like how i'm saying that.... the *next* time i'm pregnant... as if i'm not up to my eyeballs in craziness and diapers and responsibility and work (and fat) right now... we can be assured of one thing. it will be in the future, but not soon!

ms. madeline is doing awesome. her vent is being turned down day by day and she's off most of her meds. she's a smiley, chubby wonder and i'm so glad to have her in my life. my molly just got home this week from a brief stint in the hospital. any little respiratory bug wreaks havoc with these two... it stinks, but it's our new reality. molly is trying so hard to move around, but is busy building her strength and coordination. she manages to get her hands into anything, so i'm actually not in a rush to have her completely mobile... we'll pretty much have to tie the furniture down at that point.

anyhow, happy new year to all. my resolutions are to find a bit of time for myself each week, ea healthier and not sweat the small stuff. what are yours?