Wednesday, January 27, 2010

what a twit

i've gone to the dark side... yup, i have. i started banging around on twitter, which at first seemed completely pointless. a few clicks later, however, and i'm settled nicely into the mom's network out there... and dammit if i don't find it useful and fun! social media appears to be taking off and i don't want to miss the boat, like i have on so many things lately (what with the whole motherhood thing standing in my way between me and an iphone). but no, i've discovered that the blogger universe is a ridiculously large one. granted, there is a lot of static amongst the good bits of info, but sharing and comparing of all sorts of things i'm finding is saving me time (which i don't have) and money (which... i also don't have). so there, feel free to follow... or not.
on the home front, we couldn't be happier. the girls are continuing to grow and thrive each day, with madeline elizabeth coming oh-so-much closer to getting home and ms. molly louise getting more active by the minute... we're coming pretty darn close to starting the "little farrell two women wrecking crew." stay tuned!

the, "seriously ma?" faces have already begun...

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