Thursday, December 4, 2008

welcome to ballerina-ville

ok, so i admit it... i stink at keeping up with blogs. i thought before it was because i didn't have much to talk about, but nah! i just stink at it. after all, i have plenty to talk about these days (and to pretty much anyone who'll listen considering the doctor has told me to officially take a seat and chill out)... which is funny because i would be the opposite of chill. consider me un-chill, perhaps even hot stuff! (except for right now as i sit here at home in my decidedly uncool pjs and tragic hairdo)

so, yes, yes, yes! word's out and it's girls, girls, girls! aren't you totally excited? you shall be receiving your invitation to their first dance recital any day now, which i must admit i'm totally looking forward to. the youngest little dancers are the best because they get up on stage in their ducky costumes and just stand there and then move a little bit and crash into their neighbor. who doesn't love a little of that? :)

i'm completely overwhelmed at the amount of things i have to do before their arrival and i think it's been partly exacerbated by the doctor's putting the brakes on my go-go-go life... room color...what? registry... ahhh! i know that babies have no clue what their room looks like and all that jazz, so i'm actually, for once in my life, not too concerned about that. in fact, i think i've really managed to separate the needs from the wants in this case. after all, some of this stuff that the whole business tries to get you to buy into a child uses for about three months... and that's what craigslist is for! woot woot!

it's more just the sheer volume of things... like as in *everything.* my entire life is changing (and i think it's funny how i'm kind of just realizing this now)

ah, well, i really should pay attention to this conference call :)


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